Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver
Students accepted for admission (in a degree seeking program, a certificate program
or in a "at-large" status) who are 65 years of age or older, and who are legal residents
of Illinois with an annual combined household income less than the threshold amount
provided in Section 4 of the Illinois “Senior Citizens and Disabled Persons Property
Tax Relief and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act”, shall be permitted to enroll in regularly
scheduled courses, without the payment of tuition (eligible persons are expected to pay any applicable fees, books, and any classroom
supplies costs; the waiver is only applicable to tuition charges), provided that available classroom space exists and tuition-paying students enrolled
constitute the minimum number required for the course.
If you will be attending during the 2024-2025 academic year (Fall 2024, Spring 2025
and/or Summer 2025) please submit the 2024-25 Senior Citizen Waiver along with the following documentation:
- Proof you are at least 65 years of age at beginning of term enrollment (Driver’s License, State ID, official Birth Certificate, U.S. Passport, etc.)
- Proof you are an Illinois resident (Driver’s License, State ID, Voters registration, etc.)
- Proof of “combined (yours and spouse’s, if married) annual household income”, during
2023, at or below 200% of the appropriate annual Federal Poverty Level as outlined
on the form. Such proof may consist of a Federal or Illinois 1040(s), or W2(s) if
you are not required to file a 1040, Social Security statement if receiving benefits,
statement concerning public assistance payments if received, Workers Compensation
if received, or any other source of income received. (2023 documentation is required
for the 2024-2025 award year)
The last day you may submit a 2024-2025 Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver (Fall 2024,
Spring 2025 or Summer 2025) to the Office of Student Financial Aid is June 20, 2025.
An individual’s eligibility for the Waiver is subject to all applicable Federal, State
and Chicago State University regulations/law and amendments thereto. Benefits of the
Waiver will not be posted to a student’s account until all documentation is received,
reviewed and validated by the Office of Student Financial Aid.
Students applying for the Waiver should take care to make sure that the completed
Waiver form, with all required documentation attached, is submitted to the Office
of Student Financial Aid as soon as possible before the beginning of an enrollment
period (preferably at least two weeks).
If an individual wishing to apply for the Waiver is not yet accepted for admission
in a degree seeking or certificate program, please access the Undergraduate Admissions, School of Graduate and Professional Studies or College of Pharmacy web pages. If you would like to apply as at "At-Large" student you may access the
Undergraduate-at-Large web site or the Graduate Admissions web site. Follow the instructions on the appropriate form.